Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Not Just for Hippies Anymore...

Here is a bit about vegetarianism...
People are vegetarians for many reasons, including concern for personal health and the environment, economic and world hunger concerns, compassion for animals, belief in nonviolence, food preferences, or spiritual reasons. People may become vegetarians for one reason, and then later on adopt some of the other reasons as well.

Vegans or strict vegetarians:
exclude all animal products (e.g. meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, and other dairy products). Many vegans also do not eat honey.

exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs but include dairy products.

exclude meat, poultry, and fish but include dairy products and eggs. Most vegetarians in the US are lacto-ovovegetarians.

Reasons to become a vegetarian (aside from animal cruelty)...

According to the ADA, vegetarians are at lower risk for developing:
Heart disease
Colorectal, ovarian, and breast cancers
Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Quick Fact: The total direct medical costs in the United States attributable to meat consumption were estimated to be $30-60 billion a year

Famous Vegetarians


  1. I think that it's great that your a vegetarian. I think that it would be very hard to be one. I love my meat products so it would be very hard to switch now. I also think that it would be hard to go out to eat, because it seems that all meals center around a meat product, I feel the same about in cook books or any food related thing.

  2. I’m not sure if I could ever go “full Veg” but I see the importance of eating natural foods. I try to get the hormone free foods, as they are better for you,

    But a person is still stuck with the occasional fast food meal which probably cancels out anything good you may have done for yourself

  3. Just the suffering these animals endure is enough to make anyone switch to this lifestyle. I did a report on this topic back in high school, and the living condition these animals endure is so pathetic. I quit eating meat for a whole 3 months, but eventually started to crave that steak on the grill...

  4. Thanks for a the comments everyone...It was kind of a difficult change to make at first; however, I have never been a big meat eater (my mom was not in the least bit surprised when I told her I planned to become a vegetarian). Going out to eat usually isnt a problem...most places offer great options. My favorite is Buzzard Billy's vegetarian poboy-delicious! And as far as cookbooks go, I bought some vegeterian ones because the others really do center around meat.
